

  • 27 July 2024
    A commentary article by Team Leader Yukawa was published in the special feature 'Development of quantum life sciences into the medical field' in the weekly journal 'Igaku no Ayumi', Vol. 290, No. 4.
  • 24 July 2024
    A commentary article on nano-quantum sensors, authored by Senior Researcher Agatsuma, postgraduate students Ms. Ito and Ms. Hatakeyama has been published in Precision Medicine. Congratulations.

    Authors: Masakazu Agetsuma, Azumi Hatakeyama, Chihiro Ito, Hiroshi Yukawa
    Title: Development of advanced nano-quantum sensor technology for the development of regenerative and cellular medicine
    Journal: Precision Medicine 2024 Aug Where we are now in medical information systems
  • 12 July 2024
    Joint research results on 'Establishment of a stem cell administration imaging method in a mouse model of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis' with Ms. Morita, a graduate student of Nagoya University, Visiting Collaborative Researcher Iwatake, Prof. Sato, Nagoya University, Prof. Noguchi and Dr. Shiohira, University of the Ryukyu, have been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations.

    Iwatake M., Morita S., Takahashi K., Sato K., Miyagi-Shiohira C., Noguchi H., Baba Y., Yukawa H. Establishment of a stem cell administration imaging method in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis mouse models, Sci. Rep. 2024 in press.
  • 09 July 2024
    Senior Researcher Shimada's review paper on 'Application of fluorescent nanodiamond platforms for intracellular and on-chip biosensing' has been accepted for publication in Biosensors. Congratulations.

    Shimada T., Ueda Y., Baba Y., Yukawa H. Advances of Fluorescent Nanodiamond Platforms for Intracellular and On-Chip Biosensing, Biodsensors 2024; 14(7): 340. DOI: 10.3390/bios14070340
  • 29 June 2024
    Team Leader Yukawa gave an invited symposium lecture at the Kochi Chemistry Symposium 2024.
    Title: Development of state-of-the-art imaging diagnostic and therapeutic technologies based on nano-quantum sensors and their medical and pharmaceutical applications.

  • 20 June 2024
    Team Leader Yukawa gave a special lecture on career paths at Osaka Prefectural Ichioka High School.
  • 12 June 2024
    The research of Senior Researcher Shimada has been selected for a 2024 research grant from the Murata Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Education. Congratulations.
    Research topic: creation of a resistance analysis system based on electrical single-carbohydrate measurement.
  • 10 June 2024
    The collaborative work of Team Leader Yukawa and Prof. Miki of Kyoto University on the development and biological application of probes for the detection of cancer stem cells has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Congratulations.

    Miki K., Oe M., Suzuki K., Miki K., Mu H., Kato Y., Iwatake M., Yukawa H., Baba Y., Ueda Y., Mori Y., Ohe K. Dual-Responsive Near-Infrared Turn-On Fluorescent Probe for Cancer Stem Cell-Specific Visualization., J. Mater. Chem. B 2024 in press.
  • 30-31 May 2024
    Yukawa team participated in the 6th Annual Meeting of the Quantum Life Science Society of Japan (Waseda University).
  • 23 May 2024
    The 8th Q-LEAP Area Meeting was held at JST Tokyo Headquarters.
  • 30 April 2024
    The results of joint research by Visiting Collaborative Researcher Iwatake, Prof. Nagamura (Univ. of Tokyo) and Prof. Tsuchiya (Univ. of Toyama) have been accepted for publication in Front. Immunol. Congratulations.

    Iwatake M., Nagamura-Inoue T., Doi R., Tanoue Y., Ishii M., Yukawa H., Tsuchiya T. Designer umbilical cord-stem cells induce alveolar wall regeneration in pulmonary disease models. Front. Immunol. 2024; 15: 1384718. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1384718
  • 22 April 2024
    The joint work of Researcher Nishimura, Group Leader Osada, Team Leader Igarashi, and Researcher Kaminaga has been accepted by Langmuir. Congratulations.

    Rikiyama K., Maehara N., Abe H., Nishimura Y., Yukawa H., Kaminaga K., Igarashi R., Osada K. Quantification of Poly(ethylene glycol) Crowding on Nanodiamonds toward Quantum Biosensor for Improved Prevention Effects on Protein Adsorption and Lung Accumulation. Langmuir 2024; 40(18): 9471-9480. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03988
  • 22-23 April 2024
    The 1st Innovative Bio Quantum Technology Research Meeting with Fujiwara Lab, Okayama University was held at Vacation Village, Omi Hachiman.
  • 17 April 2024
    Team Leader Yukawa and Chief Researcher Agetsuma will be Special Editors of a special issue on quantum life science in the journal "Discover Nano".

    For details, please check the following URL.

    The call for paper submissions has already begun, and the deadline for submission is November 30 this year.
    Interested team members are encouraged to contribute.
  • 17 April 2024
    Team Leader Yukawa gave a special lecture at National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Oyama College.
    Title: Development of Advanced Imaging Diagnostic Techniques Using Nano-Quantum Sensors and Their Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications
  • 02 April 2024
    Quantum Regenerative and Biomedicine Engineering Team New Year's Meeting
    A lunch party was held for team members to welcome the new year.
  • 01 April 2024
    The research of Senior Researcher Shimada has been selected for a single-year research grant in 2024 by the Ikeya Foundation for Science and Technology. Congratulations.
    Research topic: development of an organelle temperature monitoring system using fluorescent nanodiamonds and microfluidics.
  • 01 November 2023
    The research team's Web site is now available.